Following 18-months of R&D, we have embraced Fortinet’s virtualised cloud deployment model to offer Managed Security and network services to Australian businesses. Over the Wire and subsidiary Telarus have been using Fortinet’s security platform for nearly a decade and we’re excited to launch our 3rd generation of the Managed Security offering.
Leveraging our existing private cloud environment, which has nodes in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane, we are able to expand the security platform onto our private cloud. This means that our customers will be able to benefit from a diverse and complex managed security solution at the core of their business WAN while avoiding large hardware capital expenditure.
“Previously we had deployed appliances in diverse data centres but found that this model lacked the flexibility required by growing businesses. Not only does the physical security appliance model require the purchase of redundant hardware, but as soon as a client needs additional capacity or features there is the risk that all the old hardware becomes obsolete,” says Scott Allen, Over the Wire’s National Manager of Presales. “By leveraging Fortinet’s VM licensing and moving the physical infrastructure requirements onto our existing cloud nodes we can rapidly deploy or upgrade a customer’s environment without risk of having wasted tin sitting around at the end of the process, meaning a faster turnaround at a lower cost.”
The decision to retain Fortinet as the security vendor extends a relationship that has been ongoing since 2010. The Fortinet Security Fabric enables Over the Wire customers to benefit from a comprehensive suite of security intelligence, integrated seamlessly into their corporate network.
“Beyond the standard detection, prevention, content filtering and reporting, the Fortinet offering also gives Over the Wire customers greater peace-of-mind,” Scott continues. The Fortinet Security Fabric helps businesses to be one step ahead through the AI and Machine Learning Fortinet uses on data from millions of connected end-points worldwide, meaning better detection and blocking of ‘Zero-Day’ threats. “By adding this at the private network level and managing it for them, our customers get a comprehensive network security solution, not simply a security appliance deployed in isolation,” Scott Allen explains.
With the Notifiable Data Breach scheme introduced earlier this year and other security issues in the news regularly, corporate data security has become a hot topic. At Over the Wire we believe in the importance of a robust, managed security solution. This gives Australian businesses access to expert support and enterprise-grade solution deployments that would otherwise be out of reach for most organisations.
Learn more about Over the Wire’s Managed Security solutions online or contact our team to organise a security discussion session today.